My name is Krista Wargo. I am very self aware of the fact that I talk too much, laugh too much and use sarcasm as a way to fight through an awkward moment. I'm outgoing and sometimes find myself saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Despite knowing that my social clumsiness is most likely a personality flaw, I have always worked with people and placed myself in positions that make my socially clumsy personality blossom. I usually make a friend or two when I go some place new! I have a very strong customer service background, which has helped me on this new adventure that I call business ownership.
I am a mother and a wife first and foremost. I stay at home with my two boys every day when I'm not working. My entire world is centered around those little boys. I know this bio is supposed to be about me and my love for photography, so forgive me when I refrain from being really cliche and saying that I live, breathe and sleep photography - because I don't. I am a mother first and always. Photography is my 2nd love ...
I have loved photography and pictures since I was about 8 years old. I remember my first camera. Well, sort of... I have no idea what brand it was or what kind of film it took, but what I do remember is how it felt in my hand. It was an ugly yellow color and had wrist strap, which was convenient because I carried it everywhere. I took it with me on a Florida vacation and found myself taking photographs of things that nobody else was. I remember asking my cousin to sit still, "just like that!" so that I could capture the look on her face when she first looked at the ocean. I remember wishing that cameras could zoom in so that I could see the amber color in her eyes more clearly.
Since that vacation, I have had a camera on my person every single day. I wanted to photograph everything. My favorite thing to photograph was emotion. I had a photojournalistic style and spent a lot of time capturing tender moments between people who were strangers to me. A typical roll of film would include people embracing, smiling, children laughing ... I wasn't even a teenager yet but I could spot an emotion from a mile away.
Today, I am still very much the same person. I spend my time at sessions looking for those candid moments of pure emotion. Since launching Chantilly Lace I have found more joy, peace and happiness than I ever thought I would. Each session is so much fun. I have the opportunity to play with children, snuggle babies, get to know moms and dads and listen to their stories, I've made friends and laughed more than I ever have. Photography is such a rewarding trade.
In the last 4 years, I have really found myself. I became a mother twice, made a leap of faith to start my career and learned that you cannot change who you are. For some people, it's okay to go against the grain and become something that you may not truly love, but for me ... I am happy following my heart and allowing my life to become what it was supposed to. I am a mother, I am a photographer ... I live to capture emotion. It's just who I am.