Hearts Apart Sessions
I was never part of a military family. I have never experienced relocating or saying goodbye to a family member multiple times. I can only imagine the strength that is necessary to pull from inside of you while there is so much distance between you and the ones you love. My grandfather was a Vietnam veteran and through his stories, I felt the pain he felt leaving his family behind, missing the birth of his child, the fear he so courageously endured every day. Because of him, I have always respected military members and their families. Become a member of Hearts Apart was special to me. It makes me happy knowing that I can preserve memories for our military men and women and hopefully soften their ache to be home.
When you schedule a session through Hearts Apart, you will receive a complimentary portrait session that will take place at a location of your choosing. The session should last about an hour. You will receive 20-50 proofs via a password protected online viewing gallery. Your session will include 20 digital downloads with a print release. You may purchase addional images, products and/or prints if you wish. We offer a 15% discount for any additonal purchases.
Per the Hearts Apart Organization, "Each session will consist of 2 required shots of the service member. 1)The dress uniform and 2)The “combat ready” camouflage uniform. The family can also be included in additional photos with the service member in their uniforms." You will be provided with a DVD of the photos and print release as well as a durable bi-fold of photos for the service member to have with them on the deployment via Hearts Apart.
Please note that all Hearts Apart sessions must be scheduled via their website: www.heartsapart.org.