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Recommended Venues

All venues listed below are in or within 30 miles of the Greater Charleston area. You are not obligated to choose one of these venues, they are only helpful recommendations. If your desired venue is not within 30 miles of Charleston, additional fees may be applied to your session price.


- Azalea Park 
- Downtown Summerville
- Colonial Dorchester State Park


North Charleston
- Riverfront Park
- Old Navy Shipyard
- Wannamaker Park


Goose Creek
- Cypress Gardens


Downtown Charleston

- Waterfront Park
- White Point Gardens/The Battery 
- Hampton Park
- Brittlebank Park
- Old King Street
- Marion Square

- Cannon Park


West Ashley 
- Magnolia Gardens
- Charles Towne Landing
- Middleton Place
- Drayton Hall


Johns Island
- Legare Farms
- Angel Oak


James Island 
- James Island County Park
- Folly Beach
- Sunrise Park


Mt. Pleasant, SC
- Boone Hall Pumpkin Patch (contingent on time of year)

- Boone Hall Strawberry Patch (contingent on time of year)
- Memorial Waterfront Park

- Alhambra Hall


Daniel Island

Daniel Island Waterfront Park




​Charleston, SC Wedding Photographers.  Summerville, SC Family Photographers. 

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